What causes Stress-induced Anxiety and PTSD to spiral out of control?

3 min readAug 1, 2022

This question was posted on a social media platform I frequent and the response than got my juices flowing, was the title: Ruminating!!

Carrying on from my last post, it was a joy to hear another voice the argument that we have no business revisiting history, we are powerless to effect it in any way and when we attempt to do so, by ruminating on it; in any way; we suffer for it because of our powerlessness and how bringing it into the present causes so many areas to become disrupted and unmanageable.

we are alive, in existence for these 24 hours only. We cannot go back and undo any of our yesterdays.in the same way we cannot go forward and alter a future event that hasn't happened yet.

Our power is only good in the present 24 hours.

We are no longer the persons we were yesterday, being a day older, and filled with all that knowledge & life experience added to our psyche, we are now a different people.

So, being a new person today from yesterday, then it definitely wasn’t or couldn’t have been any of us, who suffered the past event that traumatizes us today.

Furthermore, this baggage was never ours to carry; was never ours to suffer; and as such; human beings in the present should never be diagnosed with PTSD, for a past event, that isn’t theirs.

Alas, we are unwittingly and unknowingly suffering events, & a diagnosis of those events, that weren’t ours to suffer!

We are suffering a memory of an event that happened to someone we care deeply for.

But this does not give us the right to suffer the pain of another.

It’s perfectly OK to have empathy for that person, but we are not duty bound to suffer their hurt and pain as our own.

This action ,this diagnosis damages us mentally, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and most importantly, Spiritually; blocking us , turning us away from The One Spiritual Solution that can free each of us, of this Soul Destroying Turmoil;

A Loving God, an Ever Present Spiritual Father,

The Teachings of Christ on how to cast out demons,


A daily source of power from the Great Comforter, who is waiting patiently, for each of us to ‘ask and we shall receive’

When one truly wants to be free of the past and the stigma of a mental illness, one must find the only way, to cast out ones demons, returning them to their rightful owner[s].

When this happens, all these behaviors, habits, thoughts and feelings dry up or fall away.

But its up to each individual, especially each of those 1.4 billion members of the human race, diagnosed with PTSD , to face the truth of this with Honesty, Open-mindedness & Willingness to embrace the truth of this and effect this change; this letting go of this burden that isn't theirs to carry.




I have created a 4 step program to teach individuals how to process, heal & release any past trauma memory, nightmares and flashbacks, safely & non-intrusively