What are some ways to overcome PTSD & nightmares from war?

5 min readAug 15, 2022

Please keep an open mind as we come at this from a completely different perspective from the norm.

As long as we buy into the concept that what happened in the past, actually happened to present day us, then there is no real way of overcoming PTSD or the nightmares and triggers.

The Bible tells us [ please remember to keep an open mind] the focus for each of us, is to live in the present, as that is all we have, that is where we have power.

We cannot go back and fix, change, mend or alter, history; in the same way we cannot jump into the future and alter some future event; we have to wait for it to happen, and there is a very good chance it wont happen, or the outcome might not be as bad as we first feared.

This is our truth and this truth will set us free.

Today, I am 61years old, a husband to a good wife and father to two growing teenagers.

At aged 12, I was interfered with and for the next 40 years suffered that memory as my own.

Then I learned I cannot be in two places at once.

I cannot be a 61 year old adult and a 12 year old child at the same time.

What happened at age 12 didn't happen to this 61 year old me.

One is my reality, the other only a memory.

I cannot carry and heal the pain of another, of a 12 year old child from almost 50 years ago; nor would he want me to.

In the same way, I don't want a future aspect of me ,say 71 year old Richard, possibly a grandfather to boot, having to deal with my shit today. I am dealing with my stuff today, so that he can live free of them. There is no way I want him to suffer what is going on in my life today, that is just insane self sabotage.

In your case, you cannot heal the pain, suffering and wounds of war, a younger aspect of you experienced; nor would he want you to.

He enlisted; fought the good fight; suffered the horrors of war; so that his future selves, family, community and the world, could live with peace and freedom.

Remember you would hate for a future you to have to deal with your shit from today, accept that this is the truth for you in the present, future and most importantly, the past aspects of you.

You owe it to them to give them back what is rightfully theirs and in so doing, you gain freedom from it.

Its a win, win for all.

You are restored to sanity to work with your therapist and others to clear away the wreckage caused by this. so that you experience the Joy, Hope & Purpose of living in the present with your family, loved ones and your community.

You get to carry your message of recovery to your brothers in arms who have suffered for too long, baggage that isn't theirs.

Take a moment to meditate on this truth.

Find a quiet place where you can sit in peace and not be disturbed

See your younger self, who enlisted, surrounded by a whole host of angels, and his fellow brothers in arms, see the joy and peace in his whole being, and how excited he is at the prospect that you are giving him back all his shit, unconditionally and without any reservation, with the promise that you are committed to this.

Now, simply sit, relax your muscles, your body, let your mind clear, it’s ok to deny this memory as yours, you are ready to let go of it.

In future when anyone asks you of the war, you can talk about it without being triggered, that you are talking about an event that didn't happen to you, but someone you care deeply for.

This is The Miracle that you can claim, that is God given, but it requires: Surrender; Forgiveness; Gratitude; Trust, Belief and Faith


Surrendering all of it, the victim/martyrdom; the blame, shame & guilt, the righteous anger, resentment; the guilt, pain, hurt and suffering. All these things have to be returned to your younger self.


The true secret to healing is forgiveness, we don’t forgive our abusers or tormentors for them; to be honest they don’t deserve our forgiveness[ The Bible is very clear on this subject, The Wrath of God, on any who would ‘harm one hair on the head of one of His children’]. But if we want peace of mind and freedom from the past, we must learn how to forgive those who hurt us. By doing so, they no longer hold rent free space in our heads, no longer are we triggered. Forgiveness cleanses triggers.


experiencing The Casting Out of our Demons,

experiencing our Younger Selves Taking Back what is Rightfully Theirs

these events create A Foundation for Mind Blowing Gratitude.

We learn we need to be grateful in every moment of our lives, we owe it to them.

Trust, Belief & Faith:

Putting our trust belief and faith in a Spiritual Solution is the secret to gaining this miracle.

We don't have to join a church or religion or take sides.

We learn to use The Teachings of Christ to cast out our demons, to give back the past and all its baggage to its rightful owner, we need to learn what it takes and how to perform this miracle.

We are promised in the Bible , when we are filled with The Holy Spirit we can perform this Miracle.

But, there is a catch, were we to embrace these teachings and what is involved to gain out miracle; and then once achieved, go back to our old way of life, the miracle would fade also.

Its necessary to maintain a spiritual practice, food for the soul to keep this new life.




I have created a 4 step program to teach individuals how to process, heal & release any past trauma memory, nightmares and flashbacks, safely & non-intrusively