4 min readSep 6, 2022

Is is a thought?

Is it a mental illness?

Is it a feeling?

Is it an emotional illness?


Its soul food.

It’s a spiritual malady with life!

To all those 1.4 billion persons misdiagnosed with PTSD & the countless others suffering from Past Traumatic Memories, please know, what you are dealing with is a Spiritual Illness.

when we suffer any form of traumatic event in our lives, and I believe every single person on this earth has experienced loss of one kind or another. Each of these moments of loss can be traumatic to a greater or lesser extent depending on the person and their environment.

First we must understand that when one suffers a traumatic event, what they experience is in fact, a Loss of Innocence. Prior to the event, everything was whole, complete. but this happening, caused such heartache; a gut wrenching, soul destroying pain; that our Innoncence has been irrevocably damaged.

There is no power on this earth that can heal The Soul!

No Medication of Therapy created by man, can heal The Soul.

When a traumatic event is experienced, one loses all sense of :






These are The Foods of The Soul and can only be healed through a Spiritual Remedy.

In Spiritual traditions across the planet and through the centuries there have been set periods for this remedy to take effect.

In eastern spiritual traditions they can vary from 39 to 59 days. One would do their process, whatever it would involve up until day 59 and on day 60, there would be a LETTING GO Ceremony.

After this day, one would return to living in the present, being a part of life in the present.

They wouldn't be foolish enough to believe that their life’s work is to suffer the event over and over again through their lives, robbing them of the ability to be a full part of life in the present.

In the Christian Tradition the grieving process last for 29 days and on day 30, one would celebrate the Loss of Innocence, very much like the Irish Christian practice of ‘a Wake’.

We are meant to grieve our losses, especially our losses of Innocences.

This is perfectly normal.

But this should only be for a specific period of time.

Coming at this from a Christian Perspective, we are given clear direction of:

How to Cast Out our Demons

How to Make Peace with The Past

How to Heal our Souls

How to Let Go and Let God

The Bible tells us:

Faith Without Works is Dead

We have to combine Faith in Christ, each with of us putting the work in, for this to work:

A Change of Attitude

A Willingness to Let Go of The Past

An Open-Mindedness to The Teachings of Christ

A Changing of Old Beliefs and Prejudices

Embracing a Forgiving Nature

Embracing a Grateful Nature

Embracing a New Program for Living, One Day at A Time

To Go to Whatever Lengths It Takes to Achieve This Goal; on God’s Timeline; not Ours.

I recall attending the wake of my father, he was laid out in the front room and all who knew him or the family came to pay their respects and support the family .It was a packed house. People came from all over. From as far away as the states and many from the old country. There was an abundance of food and drink, warmth and joviality. At such a somber gathering, there was an outburst of life for the living.

I remember going in to see my father laid out in the coffin, and my young niece[now a grown woman, but at that time about 9 years old] standing on a chair with a pair of binoculars; turned the wrong way around; saying to nobody in particular: ‘GRANDADS SO FAR AWAY’.

Looking down upon his body, i could clearly see he wasn't present, to me,

“it was as if someone had parked their car and the driver had absconded the scene.”

I knew in my heart and soul, this was no longer my father, he had left the building already.

When I released my past trauma memories in the same way, I could see that this baggage; this burden was not mine to carry any longer, it was time to release it.

The problem is we are holding the past to close to ourselves that we cannot see

The Woods for the Trees

The Present for the Past

We must find a way to hold the past at arms length; to be able to see all around us; how it is intruding upon our lives; blocking us from the spirit of life; the Holy Spirit that is waiting eagerly for each of us to invite him into heal our souls from within.

When we achieve this new found outlook on what we are doing to ourselves, we are now ready to embrace a spiritual solution.

30 days and you can be free of the past completely,

For those who have carried this burden for months, years or decades, they can achieve this freedom in as little as 24 hours.

It is solely down to each person to embrace this truth, to be free.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Your thoughts and feelings are only manifestations .

They are not the problem.

For too long they were an integral part of your solution, which then became your problem

You are not alone.

The present awaits you.




I have created a 4 step program to teach individuals how to process, heal & release any past trauma memory, nightmares and flashbacks, safely & non-intrusively