Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional..

4 min readAug 30, 2022

For all those who suffer from Past Trauma Memories and the 1.4 billion Unfortunates Souls, diagnosed with PTSD

When we experience a traumatic event, no matter what it is, we experience PAIN!

That is life on life’s terms.

But we are only meant to suffer that pain for a limited period of time.


This is perfectly normal and acceptable.

We are not meant to bring it into our present and future.

We are powerless to live with it in the present and certainly not in the future.

Bringing it into the present, is a self-sabotaging exercise that causes Disruptions & Unmanageability, in almost every areas of our lives.

In every Spiritual Tradition, we are meant to grieve traumatic events, lament the loss of innocence we experience, no matter what the event.

In the Christian tradition, recorded in the Bible, we die a death with the past event.

The heavy mourning period is for thirty [30] days:

Eat only Bread & Water

Let Down One’s Hair

Remain Uncleaned Throughout this Grieving Period

Wear Sack Cloth

Prayer and Fasting

Grieve, Wail, Lament, Shout, Crying & Weeping Loudly, Scream, Bargaining & Denial, etc..

Reject All of Life’s Comforts During this Period, as though One Died Also, with their Loss of Innoncence.

At the end of the 30 days, celebrate the passing and letting go though a ceremony not unlike an Irish Wake.

In almost every Asian Buddhist society, the grieving process lasts for 49 days.

The bottom line; there is a time for pain and the suffering of it, and then there is a time for letting go, moving on and carrying on with one’s lives.

We cannot forget the living, those around us, we owe them the effort to:

Let go of the past

Return it to it’s rightful owner

To remember we are not the only one’s hurting

Others are hurting because of our hurt

Still others are hurting because we choose to relive the impossible, to continue to suffer an event, long past it’s ‘sell by date’, over living in the present.

When we fall into the trap of thinking the past event is our concern in the present, we start living a life of self abusing sabotage.

In the past, during that event, we were victims

Suffering the loss of Innoncence

But every time we bring it into the present, we now become the perpetrator!

We are doing this to ourselves today, in the present.

and the ‘Knock On Effect’ is felt my everyone arounds us.


Others might argue the treatment of Trauma Memories, offered through PTSD, is to offer such persons, the capabilities to be able to live with their demons and triggers.

It’s a bit like that surfing quote:

“We can’t control the sea, so we can learn to surf the waves”

My argument, is surely it would be better to walk away from the sea altogether, and take up a land based sport.

The mental health industry, seems to be suggesting one should learn to live with their pain and take it out and suffer it from time to time.

My belief; from my own experience; is to return it to it’s rightful owner and return myself to the land of the living; in the present, involved in life; being available to family, friends, work & colleagues, community and others who walk my path; showing them how to heal from the pain.

The Book of Genesis shares countless cases of rebirth; like a phoenix rising from the ashes; we learn it is our path, to suffer events, but we learn and grow from them; allowing them to makes us stronger not weaker!

At no time, did people recorded in real events, proven to have actually existed, the times and places proven to be true by historians; continue to suffer their past into the present; once they learned how not to.

And this is The Secret!

We each, can learn how to return the baggage we carry when we embrace The Salvation of our Lord Christ

and thus

His Teachings on How to Cast Out Demons.

But this is an individual’s inside job.

No-one else can do this for any of us.

We have to make this decision ,this choice by ourselves, for ourselves.

As much as Pain is Inevitable and Suffering is Optional, Healing and Freedom From The Past, is Optional As Well!!





I have created a 4 step program to teach individuals how to process, heal & release any past trauma memory, nightmares and flashbacks, safely & non-intrusively