How to heal from Past Trauma Memories & PTSD in the here and now!

5 min readJul 26, 2022

This is for the 1.4 billion folks who have been diagnosed with PTSD, which I believe, is an Abusive Self-Sabotaging Behavior.

The big mistake those of us who have PTSD, diagnosed or not, is the lie, that the past event is ours to process.

Today, I am 61 years of age, a husband and a father.

I carried; for most of my life; a memory of an event that happened at aged 12.

But here is the thing,

I cannot be in two places at once!

If I am a 61 year old adult, a husband and father, then i cannot also be a 12 year old child.

This means I am carrying a memory of an event that happened to someone I care about, and this is perfectly allowable.

But, it is not my event, all of my events are what is happening right now, in these 24 hours, in the present.

All and any of my yesterdays are no longer my concern, in the truth that i cannot change, fix, alter any part of my history.

The 12 year old version of me, suffered an event where he was interfered with, but he got through it and he did that for me. He did the best he could to get through those early years and on into life, so that I would have a life beyond his wildest dreams.

It was never his desire or intention for others; most especially me; to suffer his trauma, that was not part of his plan.

That would have been the last thing he would have wanted to happen

He never asked for me to carry his burden, and as sure as God is my witness, he wanted me to return to him, what is his so I can live the life he dreamed for me.

Imagine for a moment you break your leg, you were acting out fooling around and you broke your leg. Add to that, you had a scholarship trial coming up ,but this stupid reckless act has cost you your future. you are devastated. You hear that your brother/cousin/best friend ,feeling your pain, puts his leg in a cast, takes medication for your physical pain and other medication for the depression you are experiencing because of your tomfoolery.

What would you think of your friends action?

Would you think they were helping the situation?

Would you be grateful for them to squander their health and living, suffering your anguish &guilt, that they are powerless to heal?

Is this something you would have wanted?

Is this helping you heal?

I know this sounds foolish, but this is the truth. when we buy into the concept of PTSD, we are self sabotaging our lives on every level.

We must not let the past define us, or control how we live our lives.

To do this we must embrace a Living Spiritual Solution.

This means finding away to return this baggage we have carried for far too long, to it’s rightful owner.

To instigate a complete change of attitude and perspective of life, love, joy, purpose through a living working program, and in my view there is none finer than the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Most importantly, we must seek the Best Spiritual Solution for the casting out of our demons; these memories that were never ours to experience; and to do this, set aside all old beliefs and prejudices against God.

Recorded in man’s history are the Teachings of Christ on casting our of demons, and his promise if we truly attempt to walk in his footsteps, we too, each and everyone of us can become God’s children and perform miracles such as the casting out of demons.

To be honest, I tried so many times on retiring ; over the years; to pray my demons away, but on awakening they would be there. this caused me to become more disillusioned with God and any real way of ever being free .

What I didn't realize was there was a price to pay, I needed to surrender to God, to embrace his way of living. For years I fought this concept tooth and nail ,but eventually, completely broken I surrendered and saw that in surrendering, I was casting out my demons. We were now on the same page, I was no longer sabotaging his good work.

The first time I did this healing event it was huge, I felt like a new person. I then believed I could go back to my old way of living and sure enough, my demons, were returned to me.

I learned this was a life long journey, it required a commitment of me to walk in His footsteps to the best of my ability every day, every moment of my life. I fail, fall down, but when I do, acknowledge it and strive to be better, to do better.

I am no saint, far from it, but have a goal and that is for my demons to never return and so am willing to do whatever it take.

I don't do church or religion; they work for most people; but not for me and I cant tell you why, but I have my Bible, and my favorite Scripture writers, I have my varied 12 step programs and their literature and daily readings. I practice meditation and breathing exercises.

I also learned:


Finding a mentor to teach me about The Three Persons of God.

Finding Mentors is each of the different 12 step programs, that resonated with me.

Changing my ‘Attitudes’ about life and my place in it

Changing my ‘Perspective’ about everything outside of me

No longer to keep secrets

Learning about having, holding and respecting Strong, Healthy Boundaries.

Learning most of all why I had to ‘Forgive others’ ; all others; especially from my past, ‘Unconditionally’ and ‘Without any Reservation.’

When I forgave others, it was never for their benefit, but so that I could evict them from my mind. For over 40 years, I had allowed these persons, to live rent-free in my mind, triggering me again and again. The only was I would ever have peace and experience the casting out of my demons was by evicting them from my person. This is what forgiveness does.

But there is more, because we then have to find someplace for these demons to go, and that is why we need The Teachings of Christ.

We each of us, know that our best efforts failed us. All the man-made solutions; therapies, medications, hospitalizations and institutions continue to fail us.

We have to think outside the box that is PTSD and on seeing the truth of this, we are in a better place to:

Turn to God, by The Stripes of Jesus Christ, Awakening the Holy Spirit Power Within Each of Us.




I have created a 4 step program to teach individuals how to process, heal & release any past trauma memory, nightmares and flashbacks, safely & non-intrusively