Abstinence is Complete Freedom from past trauma memories [PTSD]

7 min readFeb 24, 2022

Abstinence is the simple act of saying ‘Enough already’; ‘no-more’ ; ‘Satan begone’….

Abstinence is the spiritual awakening to explore a number of questions offering a different perspective on what one should & should not have to address in life.

Abstinence is taking the stance against those who caused the trauma memories to deny them the power to continue to control of manipulate us

Abstinence is letting go of the past completely, unconditionally and without any reservation

Abstinence is the realization that we are powerless over any part of our past, good or bad, and its time to embrace this truth, thereby taking control back of the present.

Abstinence is freedom to no longer allow our histories to define or worry us.

Abstinence means we no longer have to set goal that are unrealistic and simply allow us to live out each present day under the spiritual understanding that our best today is good enough

Abstinence is unconditional self love

Abstinence is unconditional self acceptance

Abstinence is finally allowing each of us to focus on these 24 hours only; our family, friends, community; work & play; goals dreams and purpose.

Abstinence from breathing through our mouths, thus decreases our anxiety and panic attacks

Abstinence from running away from the present

Abstinence is knowing one is good enough just as they are, today

Abstinence is a way of life, one day at a time, one moment at a time, just for today

Abstinence is Letting Go Letting God

Abstinence is a gift from God

Abstinence shows me, I can have healthier boundaries

Abstinence tells me, I can stop and be still

Abstinence protects me from fault finding and blaming of myself or others

Abstinence teaches me I am no longer a victim, just for these 24 hours at a time

Abstinence teaches me the past are only memories, they are not mine to suffer

Abstinence protects me from shame and doubt of self

Abstinence gives me the foundation to live a new life, becoming a new creation for now, in this moment

Abstinence protects me from feeling less than or better than, allowing myself to be a normal human being ,good enough to exist in this world

Abstinence is embracing Self-Love, Self-Worth, Self-Esteem & Self-acceptance

Abstinence allows me to embrace and express all my feelings good and bad, knowing they are a part of my humanness

Abstinence introduces me to a life of being a part of, rather than a part from

Abstinence proves to me that short term fixes don’t work

Abstinence shows me that ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me’

Abstinence teaches me that what other people think of me is none of my business

Abstinence shows me a way to ‘ride away from the valley of the shadow of death’

Abstinence strengthens my resolve to take back control of my life, mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually

Abstinence teaches us to say to the voice in our head; ‘’not today, I'm going to do things differently, just for today’’

Abstinence teaches us, are more powerful than we thought and we have something to offer others

Abstinence there is more to life than suffering & this freedom is within reach, today

Abstinence introduces us to the gift of the present that we learn to cherish

Abstinence reaffirms, there is no power on this earth that can cast out my demons, needing to embrace a Spiritual Solution

Abstinence restores my life force energy [THE HOLY SPIRIT] invigorating me to the point where I am capable to move mountains, that before seemed beyond me

Abstinence frees me from the bondage of past trauma memories

Abstinence allows to put Blind Faith in God, creating an environment of Joy, Hope and New Found Purpose

Abstinence teaches me to believe in myself, realizing I have what it takes

It is simple but not easy, we should not attempt to do this alone, no -one should we tackle all these perspectives all at once. The goal is the complete freedom from past trauma memory and as such one should not bite off more than they can chew. I'm certain you will have your own ideas of what Abstinence can offer you, please add them to this list; the idea is to tackle ne or two, over the first day or three and as you grow add another Abstinence milestone and so on, until you have embraced so many different changes in your life, that you become aware of how much more you are removed from your triggers; nightmares and flashbacks, and from your buttons being punched.

But there is more, Faith Without Works is Dead; aside from putting your faith in these spiritual ideals, recovery also involves putting into practice those ideals than empower you to become a past of your family, friend, work and community circles.

There are many different forms of Support groups;

12 step groups, support groups, family& friends or your local church .

The trick is to ask for help.

Accepting that as human beings, we are not meant to live or work alone,

We are meant to be there for each other, to support each other.

Use this to your advantage.

Don’t be afraid to overturn any stone, setting aside old beliefs and prejudices, join & become a part of a support group; drop in on your local church and speak to the pastor and find out how one can learn more about The Teachings of Christ and how to cast out one’s demons.

The bottom line is we; each of us; make these decisions selfishly for our own self preservation.

Personally, I didn't join a church but did embrace The Teachings of a local protestant pastor who taught me what I needed to know to abstain from my history, in so doing, casting out my own demons and learning how to show others too.

There was a need for me to join more than one support group and this I have done willingly, knowing in as much as I benefit from these relationships, the knock on effect are that those around me benefit in the new changes in me.

An elder gentleman explained it to me, in that when I embrace total abstinence from my past, I am getting sweet vengeance on those who tormented me. That as long as I suffer my part, revisit and ruminate over it, it’s as though I am honoring those who caused my pain. But when I abstain from my trauma, I am taking my power back from them, depriving them of a long help win and this becomes a win for me.

I pray I am explaining this well enough that I don't trigger the reader.

It is my intention to give you, a totally different perspective on our situation.

When we suffer our past, we are victims or martyrs!

When we walk away from our past, we are empowered, we become Warrior Survivors, we take our power back

Now an event that broke us, becomes all empowering, we become new creations in The Teachings of Christ.

Try it for one day, or one morning or one afternoon, or even for one hour. take The Victory Principle and decide to let go of your past for this period.

Decide you forgive all involved in your event, also releasing any anger you have at both you and God.

Now, get grateful with a smile on your face that you are no longer a victim, seeking vengeance or retribution or justice; but glad and filled with joy that you are alive; free to feel alive and a part of life today, [for the period of time you chose]

Maintain your smile, no matter how weird it feels, allow that smile to spread into every muscle and fiber of your being, relaxing your shoulders, rolling your neck.

Breathe gently, softly in and out through your nose, with every breath, in everything you do, don’t gasp for air[causing anxiety, stress & panic] but continue to breathe through your nose, into your belly, filling your soul with The Holy Spirit.

This does not mean we undermine the pain & suffering, nor do we pretend this didn’t happen.

The truth is we are spiritual immortal beings living whole lifetimes of 24 hours. When we retire at night, we complete another life term and on awakening start our next 24 hour cycle.

This implies ,our past lives are just that, no longer our concern.

For example, today I am a 61 year old husband and father. at the age of 12, experiencing my own trauma event.

I cannot be in two places at once.

This implies I carried memories of events that happened to younger aspects of me; not my events, but events that happened to others.

In an earlier post I suggested if one of your best friends broke their leg, you putting your leg in a cast and taking medication for it, would in no way help your friend heal.

When we attempt to suffer, heal, seek vengeance or justice for an event not ours, our actions, is no way, improve the situation, incapable of healing that past event.

The Good News, is the younger aspects of us are now surrounded by A Whole Host of God’s Angels, keeping them safe and secure and all they require from us is to return to them their baggage, so they can get it Healed Spiritually.

At no time was it their intention, for any of us, to suffer an event that they survived so that we would be free to live ad enjoy a life beyond their wildest dreams, a real adventure in the now.

This is the real reason why we must Abstain completely from all Past Trauma Memories or any part of our history.

It’s our primary concern & purpose to live, work, play & make a difference in this present lifetime of 24 hours.

All we have is the present; the past is history & tomorrow a mystery.

What do we have to lose, except the pain & suffering that isn’t ours in the first place?




I have created a 4 step program to teach individuals how to process, heal & release any past trauma memory, nightmares and flashbacks, safely & non-intrusively